Monday 30 May 2011

Save our Trees

It is more than just SHADE!
Everywhere you go you will find that places have changed. They are either developed or destroyed. It does not matter whether the destruction was justified for development it still the same thing.
Only a few yards of forest and trees are protected by the national government. Most of these protected areas are close to town and cities.
Cutting down of trees is not illegal, especially in the local villages. The citizens there depend on those trees for building material, fencing and making fire to cook and warm themselves.  The general public is not well-informed about the serious implications of cutting down trees.
What I have realized from the past ten years is that the human settlements in rural areas in the Former Transkei have grown.  There is no protection or regulation to cut down the forest so the areas are forever expanding.
The only people who have the privilege to be informed about planting trees are those living in the suburbs.  The older generation living in rural areas only grows trees for the shade. They do not realize that their lives depend on it.
The average number of houses per yard is five and their gardens are massive. These gardens have less use to them because of the climatic changes. The reason why the gardens are useless is the lack of knowledge of what is going on around the world.
If a person decides to reside right close to the river bank, it’s their choice and no one questions their motives and one is concerned about the forest and plantation they will be destroying while building their houses.
The department of water affairs and forestry need to start at the bottom where there is still hope to revive our indigenous forest. They owe it to the people to shed light to them about the dire situation they could be living in. They need to be taught that trees are more than just shade they are life

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